The White Rose Forest
The White Rose Forest is the community forest for North and West Yorkshire, working in partnership with local authorities, landowners, businesses and communities to increase woodland across the region and improve our natural environment.
Through our partnership we are planting millions of trees in our urban centres and countryside that will help manage flood risk, mitigate the impact of climate change, create jobs and provide happier and healthier places for us all to live, work in and enjoy.
Our vision is to create a genuinely sustainable and well wooded landscape in North and West Yorkshire which will benefit local people, the economy and wildlife.

Your local community forest

Our communities are at the heart of the White Rose Forest and everything we do. We plant trees for the benefit of everyone in North and West Yorkshire. We also aim to increase the involvement and connection of our local communities with the planning, planting and management of trees and woodland.
The White Rose Forest is the largest of England’s Community Forests and one of four northern community forests working together with the Woodland Trust to create the Northern Forest that will stretch from Merseyside across Manchester and Yorkshire.
Find out more about England’s Community Forests.
Working in partnership
The White Rose Forest, established on 1 August 2000, is supported by over 30 organisations, including local and national government, charities, businesses and community enterprises who are all working together across North and West Yorkshire to plant trees and deliver the White Rose Forest Action Plan.

How we work

We are experts in woodland creation and management and work with landowners, businesses and communities to support the planning, funding and planting of new tree planting projects.
The White Rose Forest partnership supports a multi-disciplinary design-led approach to the planting of new woodland that produces a range of benefits for the landscape, wildlife and communities.
Please contact us to discuss your project or follow the link below to find out more about how we can support landowners to plant trees.

Landscapes for water
The Landscapes for Water programme provides a strategic approach to natural flood management and focuses on the creation of new woodland along key river valleys or catchments to help reduce flood risk for communities further downstream.

Green Streets

Latest news
Read the latest news from the White Rose Forest and our partners.
White Rose Forest policies and position statements

The White Rose Forest partnership is committed to following the UK Forestry Standard, the reference standard for sustainable woodland management across the UK. We incorporate best practice design in all our tree planting projects and work closely with Natural England to avoid damaging existing priority habitats.
Follow the links below to download PDF information sheets about woodland management in the White Rose Forest:
Recent research
Research Paper: Site specific Factors More Selective than Clough Woodland on Ground Nest Predation – James Lockwood, 2024
The purpose of this research was to determine whether clough woodland increases ground nest predation and, by inference impact on ground nesting moorland birds.
PDF Link: Ground nest predation in clough woodland research paper