Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority

Phill Hibbs

WRF landowner engagement partner

I am a Woodland Project Officer working for the Yorkshire Dales National Park, with over 20 years’ experience working with Trees and Woodlands. I have expertise in creating woodland management plans and delivering projects of all scales. The sector is continually evolving, so I pride myself on closely monitoring these often complex changes, this means I can confidently guide landowners through the process and ensure the very best outcomes.

Originally from Stockton on Tees, I moved, with my young family to the Yorkshire Dales in 2001 as we thought it was a great place to live, work and bring up our children. I love all things fitness related and enjoy, running, cycling, martial arts and Crossfit.

Over the last 25 years the National Park Authority has helped to deliver in the region of 2000 ha of new woodland. Our ongoing plan is to look at creating 6000 ha of woodland in the next 10 years. These new woodlands will be created whilst still protecting the special qualities of the area that is known the world over as a special area. I have personally worked on dozens of new native woodland creation schemes from small field corners to 40Ha plus sites.

The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority has recently published the Dales Woodland Strategy which puts creating woodland at the heart of the work of the organisation. As well as providing advice we work with partners such as the White Rose Forest to help to deliver the best outcome for a landowner wanting to create new woodlands.

Our partnership with organisations working in the area has been established for many years and we also have a long track record of creating woodlands. We can help with planning your woodland as well as offering guidance for turning your NFM plans into reality. I listen to and work closely with the landowner to achieve shared goals, and facilitate practical robust new nature-based flood alleviation interventions and woodland sites.